Edible Chocolate Pinecones are the perfect holiday treat! This no-bake dessert dish can be made ahead of time and takes only 30 minutes to prepare. This pine cone dessert is exactly what you need, beautiful, festive, delicious and easy to make dessert. This easy dessert is a holiday party special!

Edible Pinecone can be a fun activity to do with your kids. Since during the holiday season there is a lot of cake and a lot of cake left overs this recipe will help solve that problem and also keep the kids involved in all the fun.
Food can be so much fun around the holidays. Every now and then, I appreciate a meal that presents a challenge, but I prefer straightforward and uncomplicated recipes that have a big impact. This help the family come together and have sometime of fun in being innovative and creative.

How to Make Your Own Delicious Edible Chocolate Pinecone
You can make this dessert with your own customization and there is no limit on the creativity. There are few options on the internet and you can chose which ever topping or stuffing you would like to use. I have used the most simple and readily available ingredients I could find in my house.
Pinecone Body:
Now you can make the pinecone body with some store brought biscuits either chocolate or plain vanilla biscuit, or
You could also use some leftover cake from the holiday party or left over cake cutting from the holiday cake you have baked.
You can also make it even more fancy by using some home baked Chocolates Brownie
Pinecone Scales:
Once again you can use a wide range of things to make this
You can use Chocos/ Choco Crunchy Bites (My personal favorite) which has the perfect look of a scale and the chocolate flavor with a crunch
Almond shaving is an other option for the scales look. This makes the pinecone look so cute and shows off the effort you have put in something that just took 30 mins
Continuing the cereals option there is one more variety and that's the Kellogg’s Coco Pops Rocks

Pinecone Fillings:
You can enjoy your pinecone with just the cake bite, biscuit or brownie mix. But if you want to emp up your game you can add a creamy center/ filling to the cone
The best option is Peanut Butter (would really be amazing if you get a crunchy one)
Nutella goes best with all dessert and it will go great with this pinecone as well
Almond butter is another option for a tasty filling
If you are over the chocolate flavor and want to add a punch of flavor Caramel Sauce would be the best option to break the flavor flow
Serve: 4 Prep Time: 5 mins Cook Time: 10 mins Total Time: 15 mins
3 Chocolate Cake Bar
2 tbsp Nutella
2 tbsp Milk
3 cup Kellogg's Crunchy Bites
Sugar powder
Let's get cooking
Chocolate Gnash
1. In a bowl, crumble the cake in fine grains to that add Nutella and milk, and mix it well by your hand to form a dough. Make sure you mix it till the batter comes together and stands firm without cracks. Add milk if you need some more moisture
2. Now comes the fun part! Once the dough is ready you can refrigerate it for 10 mins. Make a inverted cone shape of the dough and start sticking the Kellogg's Crunchy Bites one by one in the dough in the shape of a pinecone scale.
Now you have your very own edible pinecone in no time. You can dust some powdered sugar for the snow effect and enjoy!
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